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I Made Tyler1 QUIT His Lane in 4 Minutes...
Tyler1 Dies Laughing Reacting to Yamikaze RAGE
xQc Reacts to Tyler1 Viewer Getting 14 ADS...
He Finished League of Legends
I FOUND MY BEST FRIEND TYLER1! (I don't think I'm his best friend tho)
I tilted Tyler1 so hard he banned Jhin for 2 months straight
Baus Solokills T1 Zeus 4 TIMES in one Game
Tyler1 goes off on TheBausFFS
Tyler1 Cries with Laughter as he watches the Best Rage Compilation - SRO
Tyler1 ranks ALL ROLES from easiest to hardest after hitting CHALLENGER ON ALL
This is what 10,000 hours of Dota looks like..